Communication Protocol Engineering

Објавено: март 7, 2019

Course Title: Communication Protocol Engineering

Code: ФЕИТ10028

ECTS points: 6 ECTS

Number of classes per week:3+0+0+3

Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pero Latkoski

Course Goals (acquired competencies): Studying the performance evaluation methods of modern communication protocols.

Subject of the course content: Specification and description of telecommunication protocols on second and higher protocol layer. Analysis and design of communication protocols. Protocol engineering and optimization of protocol efficiency. Implementation, testing and verification of protocol performance. Analytical, simulation and formal methods for protocol performance evaluation. Results comparison.  Hands on examples of advanced wideband wireless communication telecommunication technologies and protocols.


Required Literature        
No. Author Title Publisher Year
1. Pero Latkoski, Borislav Popovski Communication Protocol Engineering of Wireless Networks: Modeling and Optimization VDM Verlag Dr. Müller 2009
2. Miroslav Popovic Communication Protocol Engineering CRC Press 2006
3. Pallapa Venkataram, Sunilkumar S. Manvi Communication Protocol Engineering Prentice-Hall 2004